I got a full 8 hours of sleep last night and it was so welcome! I woke up ready to meet the day. I ate a good breakfast and headed off to get some things done. This afternoon was a band family meet and greet cookout at the park so I went and took the children. Tracy was serving at Blue Ridge tonight, so sadly, we went without him. There was the usual cook out fare...hot dogs, macaroni and potato salad, desserts....you know the drill. I brought a container with some roast chicken, avocado and raw veggies and a small container of sliced peaches. I wanted chips, but didn't give in to the craving. I was sitting at a table with another Blue Ridger who has 2 kids in the band and he asked about my food. I was able to tell him just a little about what I'm doing and he said, "Good for you!" His wife, I discovered was a lifetime weight watchers leader and had lost over 100lbs. I felt like God put me at that table where I would feel at home and not weird for being different. Love Him for that! One cool thing I discovered was that I was not as winded walking back and forth to the car. Even carrying stuff. That was a pleasant discovery!
After we got home, I was hungry so I ate a little more chicken. I wanted fruit, but I had already had the peaches and I knew it was wiser to go for the protein so I wouldn't need something before bedtime. I got online and looked at new recipes and found a gem. Paleo Ranch dressing. I've been making my own oil/vinegar/spices dressing for 2 weeks and boy was I glad to find something else! I made a small portion of the dressing and tried a little on a couple carrot slices. Boy was it good! I'm actually excited about lunch tomorrow so I can put it on my salad! I love it that I have found something new that only has things I can eat in it. It's like a double blessing!
The past couple days I have been reading about Abram and his relationship with God. There is one statement that keeps flowing through my mind today, "And Abram BELIEVED God and it was counted to him as righteousness." I have asked myself today, "Self, do you believe God will help you crush this idol into powder once and for all?" I answer myself like the man did Jesus in the New Testament, "I believe, Lord help my unbelief!" In my heart I believe it. My body is getting closer to believing it as I continue to be obedient. Yet, there is this little fear that creeps up every now and then that says, "when this 30 days is over, you're going to go right back to where you were." Sometimes that voice is so loud I want to cover my ears and crawl in my bed and never come out. But everyday, I get up outa that bed. I make the good choices God wants me to make and I fill my mind with His word. That's the only way to silence the enemy's voice - to drown it out with God's. His voice has to be louder. Sometimes when I feel myself weakening under a craving or desire to quit, I go back and read Isaiah 30 or some of the scriptures people have been encouraging me with and it gives me the strength to keep going. This journey may change somewhat in a couple weeks, but it will still be the same goal: To crush the idol of food and glorify God with my body. It is ONLY by HIS strength that this is gonna happen so I have to cling to His word and believe Him. Not just believe IN Him, but truly believe Him and everything that His word says.
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