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I was created to glorify God. Each day is a new opportunity to do that through the choices I make.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Day 30!!!!!!!

Well, it's day 30!  Today has been a great day. Sleeping late (8am), homemade condiment making,  Lunch pre-packing, errand running, dinner date with my man  AND  a new crockpot cookbook...aaaaah he speaks my love language!

So...this is a little evaluation of my Whole30 journey:


1. I lost 21 pounds
2.  I sleep better (through the night now except when my 48 year old bladder beckons, and then I can go right back to sleep)
3. My joints don't ache as much (cold rainy days are still not fun, but I feel so much better on a daily basis!)
4. I have been able to get into clothes I haven't been able to wear in a long time
5.  I have way more energy
6.  I have only had one small headache in 30 days when I typically have at least one a week
7. My tastebuds have changed.  I crave fruit.  Let me say that again...I CRAVE FRUIT!


1.  I no longer feel that I need junk food to get me through a rough day
2.  I choose to eat healthy food  not because I don't like junk food anymore - because I do  - I think.  I haven't had any, so I'm not sure if it's all in my head or if I really do still like it.  I choose to eat healthy food because it is what best fuels my body to do the things God has called me to do.  I cannot say I won't ever eat a brownie or pizza slice again, but I think I can say it will not be a daily occurrence nor make up the majority of my meals.
3.  Healthy fat is not an oxymoron.  It is essential to my good health and to weight loss


1.  Food is not my friend.  Jesus is.
2.  Food is only able to make me feel good for awhile.  God's comfort lasts forever.
3.  No food tastes as good as obedience feels.
4. I worship differently because I no longer feel I am trying to worship "in spite of" but "because of".
5. God means for us to live in community with people, not hide from them.

I am grateful for many people who have held up my arms and daily lifted my name to Jesus throughout this journey.  This journey is not over, it is just changing form and moving forward to a new adventure.  God is not done with me yet.  I am sure.  I probably will not blog every day now, but I will try to check in often because I believe God wants me to keep sharing what He's doing.  All glory to HIM.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I posted a comment but guess it landed in la la land(unless it's on hold until approved?).

    Anywho, here it is again, tho I can't really remember what I said the first time..... Talk about showing up late in the game! I didn't know about this amazing journey you've been on and am soooo sorry I missed it. I wish I'd have known so I could have cheered you on, prayed for you and given you a virtual hug. I'm so excited for you dear one and can't wait to see what else God has for you! Love you to pieces!
