The message this weekend was about Community. Jeremy preached about Moses and how the Israelites were at war and as long as Moses held up his staff, they won, but if his hands started to slip and his arms started coming down, the Israelites would begin losing. At his point of weariness, two people - one on either side-came and held up his arms for him. They won that battle because Moses and his buddies were obedient and because they took care of one another.
I need to stop at this point and talk about my community. Since before this journey began, my friends have been praying for me, encouraging me, texting me scripture, emailing recipes etc. I have not been alone at all. Jesus has been with me and very close and I have been loved greatly by Him and by my Jesus family. They have held up my arms when I have felt like quitting. They have prayed extra hard on days I was struggling. They have encouraged me to keep going and to greater obedience.
Lord, I am grateful that You never expected us to live this life alone. You designed community after your self - Father, Son and Spirit. Thank you for the example of community you have provided for us. May I never forget that "Two are better than one" Ecclesiastes goodness for ya!
Challenge today: Took my son and 5 other boys to watch Captain America and then went out for pizza. I had a salad with no dressing and some water. Needless to say, I came home hungry. Thankful for leftovers. Everyone had a great time and now I am pooped. My pillow and I have a date so I'm gonna go get ready for it.
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